New to Harvest Church
Providing Everything You Need to Get You Started
On behalf of Apostle Chris, Pastor Christina and the entire Harvest Church family, welcome!
It is our prayer and desire that you and your family are able to connect with the ministry and the kingdom. Below you will find several areas of information that will help you get (and stay connected). It is important to remember that this is just the beginning! These areas will prepare you for your walk with Christ, but it takes love, action, relationship, and the faith in Christ to continue to build the kingdom. If at any time, you would like to speak with someone or you are in need of more direct assistance, please let us know by emailing us at info@harvestchurchva.org .

Campus Details
5889 Jefferson Avenue, Newport News, VA 23605
Main Email Address:
Main Phone Number:
Service Times:
Sunday Worship Service: Sundays, @10:30AM EST
Better By Choice Virtual Prayercast (via Facebook Live on our page, HarvestChurchVA): Daily, @8:30AM EST
Wednesday Bible Study Service: Wednesdays, @7PM EST
Youth Services:
Nursery, Sundays, @10:30AM EST
Children's Church, Sundays, @10:30AM EST
Middle School Youth Class, Every 2nd Sunday, @10:30AM EST
High School Youth Class, Every 4th Sunday, @10:30AM EST
Traveling to Harvest Church?
Are planning a trip to join us? We'd love for you to come! Simply click the icon for more details regarding flights and lodging.
About Harvest Church
What is the vision and mission of Harvest Church? Who are our Senior Pastors? Simply click on the icon to learn more!
"I'm Saved, Now What?"
New Converts
Hello! We greet you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! When you chose to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you made the most significant decision you could ever make toward eternal life. We are excited about your future as a believer and desirous to enhance your walk with Christ. It is essential that you, as a believer, study your Bible, establish a daily prayer life with God, and avail yourself to attend regular church services. As a result, we’ve put together this pamphlet to share with you to aid you in your spiritual journey.
Want to become a Partner of Harvest Church?
We are so excited that you are interested in joining the community of believers called Harvest Church! Click the link below to register for our next New Partner orientation class.
Worship Through Serving
We'd like to personally invite you to volunteer and serve in ministry at Harvest Church.
"Each of you has been blessed with one of God's many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well" (1 Peter 4:10, CEV).
God desires that all our special gifts and talents be used to glorify Him. Donating your time and efforts just once or twice a month will aid and grow the ministry, our community, and God's people. It will also allow you and your family to connect further with the Body of Christ! Please visit the link below for a full list of ministries you can join and serve with.